Sunmi is the mobile application developer for the Graduate School of Education.
She started off her career as a software engineer at Samsung Electronics, and her primary role was to design and develop the efficient test environment for hardware designers to easily test their prototypes. After coming to the USA, she worked as a research assistant and a mobile app developer at Stanford University. As an app developer, she designed and developed various mobile apps such as SMILE (collaborative question creator), mobile storytelling series, AIDS prevention training and ebookMaker (story making app) and as a research assistant, she researched on the practical approaches to introducing a mobile technology in the educational environment, wrote the papers, and presented them at various conferences.
After going back to school, she deeply studied on the useful approach to utilize emerging technologies in the learning environment by understanding basic educational theories, human minds, and various instructional design concepts. After graduation, she joined the education startup (named Enuma) as an app developer and a content designer. She designed and developed mobile learning apps to support various subjects such as social, literature, and math and developed the assessment app with Ph.D. students from Berkeley. She was very interested in designing game-based math learning apps and testing them in the classroom. As a project manager, she led the content development team and designed math learning contents aligned with the California Common Core Standard. In addition, she developed the web-based problem-creation tool to reduce the gap between content designers and app developers. Her research on the use of mobile math games promotes students' engagement was introduced at several conferences.
Additionally, she received various awards such as Samsung fellowship, Google Anita Borg Scholarship, Stanford SEF (Spouse Education Fund) grant, Mobylize 100K Challenge 3rd winner, and Graduate Student Distinguished Achievement Awards from San Francisco State University. Also, she was chosen as a recipient of Google Grace Hopper Conference travel grant two times and invited to Google Women Techmaker Summit three times.
Sunmi holds a Master of Engineering in Electronic Engineering from Sogang University and a Master of Education in an instructional technology from San Francisco State University.